Saturday, June 5, 2010

Waka Waka

I didn't write a blog yesterday night namely because I was partially dead tired + partially impaired by South African cider... which apparently is ridiculously good. Lucky for us though, my memory is still pretty intact so I can tell you all about my day. 
OK so the twins and Vera (their mom) took me to this really nice mall not too far from here, to get myself a South African cell phone. We toured around the place a couple of times, until we finally got to the store where I found the thing I was looking for, went to purchase it... and realized I'd lost my wallet two stores before. Now you see, I can sense you wanting to smack my head right now, and I fell you. All those warnings about getting mugged and stuff? Well I decided why run the risk, I might as well loose the thing and make it that much harder for them to mug me. Right?? Right??? Shut up.
Anyways thank god the lady at the store had found the thing and was keeping it safe for me. No, nothing was missing; yes, I'm an idiot; no, you cannot continue to make fun of me now.
The (actual) exciting part of my day came after. They took me to the stadium! I did my accreditation thingy and got my big stadium pass (oh do I look hot in my accreditation picture. not.) and then also got my uniform, booklets and A FIFA WORLD CUP PEN!!! It does not get cooler than that. I'm coming back monday to have a tour of the stadium and we get to go on the field, and I start working on the 14th. Adidas rocks by the way. The FIFA volunteer sneakers they gave us smell delicious.
The night was pretty chill. The whole family plus me and some friends of Tommy, the older brother, were chilling by the TV having some South African beer and cider (ergo the lack of blog) and we had a massive debate over who would win in a fight between an Ashaninka (Peruvian jungle people) or the Zulu (African desert/savannah people). We concluded Ashaninkas (or Shenanigans, as they referred to them) would totally kick Zulu's asses. I mean please, they have Poison Arrows Frogs, and they can kill a monkey up in a 160m tree with them. Zulu's don't stand a chance. (Your thoughts?)
I also had to qualm their fears of us Peruvians eating dogs at home (after naturally going with it and informing them I'd be having Mister Frodo tomorrow in the barbecue) as well as telling them that in fact I had not expected their home to be surrounded by lions and zebras... and that I was in fact joking when I said I was severely disappointed, especially because when they had said they had a pool I thought they had meant a watering pond for the wildlife. I may be confusing them with overabundance of sarcasm, but they think I'm hilarious. (I think).
OK now I'm off to Table Mountain and the Waterfront. Don't forget to check out my new Facebook photo album, and i'll post some more later.

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